Sunday, December 30, 2012


Hey all!

I realise it's been ages since I last posted - but I have a legitimate excuse for not being able too. Which I'll wait till tomorrow to tell you all! I'm sorry, I'm just a horrible person and have to leave the few people that aren't aware of my little adventure, in suspense. Until then, here's a heap of pictures from around Denmark :)

I think it might be interesting if I don't try to make a witty caption for each picture, and shall let you all make up your own little stories about each picture - if anyone thinks of anything interesting or amusing  please do comment. Now, time for me to stop rambling and show the pictures...
So, Merry Christmas everybody - this is my belated present to you all!

Tomorrow I swear I shall update on absolutely everything that's happened since my last post (almost two weeks ago...) and shall have another separate post for more pictures!

Zoe xx 

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