Hey all – long-time no see!
So, let me start by saying HI JOSH! You should be happy, I
mentioned you in two sequential posts – woop woop. I'm going to start
talking about what I've been up to. Though I should warn you all now, this post
will pass as maybe vaguely interesting as it only really covers a few days of
my overly exciting life abroad…
Friday – I got to meet up with some of the other lovely
Australian Scouts! Gosh it was just incredible; I swear Brooke and I didn't
stop talking. We ate crocodile and sat around the fire singing and had a blast!
Saturday – well this was an utterly incredible day. I
visited three castles, only one properly, but that’s beside the point. I saw from
the car window and was told a lot about Fredensborg Castle (gosh I hope I spelled
it correctly), it was incredibly pretty. Then we drove to Mary’s Castle (the 'Aussie princess for those of you who aren't sure), though sadly she didn’t come
out to greet me which was rather disappointing. I managed to get two pretty
pathetic photos because of the low sun and my inability to not squint – but it
was pretty. The best of course was Kronborg castle, also known as the Castle of
Elsinore or Hamlets castle! This was incredibly exciting; when I got there I
found that I could see Sweden. Yep, Sweden the country! It was so surreal that
I could see another country! I don’t know if I'm just a bit slow or easily
impressed, but it was crazy. Hopefully I’ll be going to Sweden on Saturday
(fingers crossed) but back to the castle! We saw the ballroom and the royal quarters
which were lovely. I also discovered I’m still small enough to get away with
getting into the kids play castle/colouring room through the crawling section
(success!), but really haven’t really improved in any of my observational
skills since I was that age – since I failed to see there was a full sized
doorway entrance to the colouring room. But I did see the massive fire-placed
and didn't fail to try to go to Diagon Alley (didn't work guys). After we went
down into the dungeons which of course were pitch black! It was insanely creepy;
supposedly a bat (a real one, not a projection or anything) flew behind me and
outside. Like, wow! They go to such efforts to make it so realistic… Then in
the gift shop I so wanted to buy Yorik's skull but it was equivalent to about
$100 AUD, so I couldn't… Instead I bought a heap of other useless stuff
included magnetic Shakespearean insults.
Then (yes, there is more to the day) – I went on a mini
hike/geo-caching activity with the Scout Group. We found one, which was fun,
but it was really cold! One person there thought I was from America, then
another said I had a typical Australian attitude (what does that even mean?!) –
so I'm even more confused as to how people perceive Australia to be. After the
actually walking part we all went back to the Group leaders house-y type area
(it had a kitchen that’s used for the little community since they live in terrace
houses) and ate, fish.. For the first course anyway, so I just had a ton of
Fanta. While waiting for main and dessert these little kids starting singing
and dancing to Gangnam Style – it was so cute since they had no idea what they
were singing (the English bits) since they don’t speak English yet, it was adorable!
They then proceeded to run outside without shirts and light fireworks – totally
normal. Oh! They still have Cartoon Network here! I'm so jealous…
The only majorly notable event of Saturday was me attempting
to eat spare ribs. Now, by now everyone should know I'm an utter clutz, but
this really tops a lot of what I've previously done to make a fool of myself. I
was eating a piece, and it slipped out of my hands, and landed straight into my
glass of water, a perfect landing. I was just looking into my hands for a bit
completely baffled, then realised how talented I am. That’s pretty much
Sunday – I didn't do much for most of the day, other than
make Josh talk to me… We (Kristin, Asta and I) took Asta back to Rantz in the
late afternoon, so now I won’t be seeing her till Friday. We then made the long
trip home and then I slept (surprise surprise!).
Monday – today I've been pretty lazy, again spending all day
writing this. I've also been over-thinking Semi which I realised will be this
year – I'm so excited it’s actually ridiculous. This evening I had dinner just
like my Nan used to make! A very typical English stew – at the community dinner
house (that’s the best I can relate it too…). It was quite nice actually.
That’s it for now guys! Hope you all have had a great
weekend, and continue to have a great week. This time next week I’ll be in
London, so hopefully I’ll have internet and be able to post while I’m there.
But expect one or two more posts from me before then.
Zoë xx
You amaze me Zoe, never fail. . . . . . spare rib into a glass, got to see you try this on your return hehehehe